Using Technology for Good | Lesson for Kids

Use Technology for Good

Is technology good or bad?

We vote that it is neither. Yet, how we treat technology and what we do with it can be good or bad. Read here about Digital Citizenship and how to use technology for good.

Just as good citizenship is more than not breaking the law, digital citizenship is more than just avoiding harms online. Technology can enhance and magnify the ability of youth and adults to contribute to and serve in the community and even in the world.

EPIK has called for youth, parents, and leaders in the DigCit world to look for ways to foster using tech for good.

Using Technology for Good Lesson Plan

We were so excited that Dina Alexander of Educate and Empower Kids saw the need and created this lesson plan. This plan caters to families, yet can be adapted for larger settings or classrooms.

The lesson states, “Technology and devices can be used to help us find out about the world around us, keep in touch with family, publicly praise others and even find out about ancestors! Social Media can be used to uplift those around us and contact those we’ve lost touch with. If children are taught to use media wisely and for positive purposes, they can be an example to their peers. Parents should be setting a good example with their media habits.”

use technology for good

“Our children should understand that they have the power to use technology positively and for useful purposes.”

Learn how to be an example and to guide your children to more positive technology use. This lesson plan gives you questions to ask, activities to do together, and allows your family to create ways to uplift others online.

For more digital citizenship resources click here.

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