“A digital footprint [or digital reputation] is all of the information online about a person either posted by that person or others, intentionally or unintentionally. Filling out a form, leaving a blog comment, updating your status, checking into a location, emailing or IMing a friend, posting a photo, visiting a website, using a search engine… everything you do online leaves a trail. This trail is your digital footprint.” EGUSD
Synonyms: Digital Tattoo
“Common Sense Education’s free Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum empowers students to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world. There are 80 lessons in the full K-12 curriculum, with supporting materials such as student handouts, assessments, educational videos, family tip sheets, and professional development resources.”
“Understanding YouTube & Digital Citizenship: We have devised an interactive curriculum aimed to support teachers of secondary students. We hope that students and educators gain useful skills and a holistic understanding about responsible digital citizenship, not only on YouTube, but in all online activity. Lessons are designed to fit within 50 minute classes, but can be adapted to fit your schedule.”
“Be Deadly Online is an animation and poster campaign about big issues online, like bullying, reputation and respect for others. Developed with deadly Indigenous writers and voice actors, enjoy these short, fun animations and learn about how we want to behave together online.” Digital Reputation.
Interactive Games
Complete 5 Quests to earn the 21t4s Investigator badge. Could also be used as a student project.
Learn the 8 core DQ Citizenship Skills children need through innovative, research-backed educational tools that help children unlock their potential with core skills and values for the digital age.
Choose a scenario and “make choices along the way to see how your choices affect your digital footprint and your career.”
Student Projects
“Students in all classrooms, everywhere, need to learn about and practice the tenets of Digital Citizenship. Through the Digital Looking Glass: A Global Digital Citizenship Project was created to be flexibly integrated into any class, and can be modified to fit the age of your students. You may partner with students that are older, younger, or the same age as your students.
Lots of information and presentations for online reputation as well as programs for students.
Educator Training
CE Credit:
A one-hour Webinar about digital citizenship. “Digital Citizenship is a free professional learning community (PLC) that provides ideas and discussions about how to help kids be safe, responsible, and respectful participants in a digital world. This community will help you stay connected, share ideas, and get support from colleagues.”
Helpful Resources & Tips
How to manage your digital footprint and tips for keeping your digital footprint safe.
Numerous articles addressing different aspects of your digital reputation and how to educate teens.
“Use these resources to stay up to date on the pros and cons of technology's capabilities. Build awareness instead of fear as you and your students discover how the power of the Internet can be harnessed for safe learning and communication.”