Digital Citizenship
2017 Digital Citizenship Summit Videos
The 3rd Annual Digital Citizenship Summit was held in Provo, UT on November 2 & 3, 2017. Don’t worry if you missed out on this phenomenal event! Click on the link below to watch videos of every presentation. Summit Agenda & Proceedings This link not only has videos of the inspiring and tip-filled presentations on…
Read MoreIt’s time for a culture shift in the digital world #UseTech4Good
There is no question that the digital world needs some revamping. The fear, the harsh words, the negativity is not the digital world we should be living in. We know many of you hope for a better digital world for your kids, too. It starts here and now. You and me. We are the digital…
Read MoreWhat is an iCitizen {Digital Citizen}?
Do you consider yourself a Digital Citizen (also called an iCitizen)? Have you ever read anything online? Posted a photo, a quip, an opinion? Commented on someone else’s post? This is our digital community. This is our digital world. The internet is now where most of us get our news, it’s where we research and…
Read MoreLearning Together: DigCitKids & Cyber Seniors
We at @DigCitUtah LOVE seeing kids learning and acting positively with technology. Proudly, we share this blog post from the 10-year old changemaker and creator of DigCitKids, Curran Dee. He shares with us a concrete example of how to connect with the seniors in your life. Plus, we see how fun it is to introduce technology to…
Read MoreJoin in World Read Aloud Day on Skype for K-12
World Read Aloud Day World Read Aloud Day {WRAD} is an exciting, interactive day where everyone all over the world reads aloud to promote education and access to books and technology. This year it is on Thursday, February 17, 2017. There are such fun ways to get involved online. In fact, technology allows this day to…
Read MoreDigCitSummit 2016 Videos
On October 28, 2016 hundreds of individuals, businesses, and educational leaders attended The global Digital Citizenship Summit at the Twitter Headquarters in San Francisco, CA. The focus of the Digital Citizenship Summit is to promote positive and practical solutions towards SAFE, SAVVY, and ETHICAL use. The goal was to enlist the help of diverse stakeholders (including you!) to solve problems regarding social…
Read MoreHappy New Year!
Happy New Year! We at DigCitUtah are excited to welcome the new year! 2016 was filled with opportunities to connect, learn, and expand our collaborative efforts. We have been overwhelmed (in a good way!) with the number of individuals and organizations who truly care about our youth and their lives online. The growing positive Digital Citizenship (DigCit)…
Read MoreUsing Technology for Good | Lesson for Kids
Use Technology for Good Is technology good or bad? We vote that it is neither. Yet, how we treat technology and what we do with it can be good or bad. Read here about Digital Citizenship and how to use technology for good. Just as good citizenship is more than not breaking the law, digital citizenship is more…
Read MoreFree CRAP Test Download – Your students will love this!
Is it C.R.A.P? Teach your students how to critically analyze what they are reading online. They won’t be able to read anything, ever again, without thinking about the CRAP test. “C.R.A.P. That’s what kids see on the board on the first day of their Cyber Civics “Media Literacy for Positive Participation” course. It gets their attention.…
Read MoreStudents praising students on Instagram and Facebook
Every student has a chance to make a difference digitally (meaning on instagram, facebook, etc.). This can be through simple, kind comments on someone’s post or through more elaborate projects to make the internet more positive. Kids have an innate desire to help and uplift others. Yesterday, I was raking the leaves in my front yard…
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