Leveraging the Positives
It’s time for a culture shift in the digital world #UseTech4Good
There is no question that the digital world needs some revamping. The fear, the harsh words, the negativity is not the digital world we should be living in. We know many of you hope for a better digital world for your kids, too. It starts here and now. You and me. We are the digital…
Read MoreJoin in World Read Aloud Day on Skype for K-12
World Read Aloud Day World Read Aloud Day {WRAD} is an exciting, interactive day where everyone all over the world reads aloud to promote education and access to books and technology. This year it is on Thursday, February 17, 2017. There are such fun ways to get involved online. In fact, technology allows this day to…
Read MoreUsing Technology for Good | Lesson for Kids
Use Technology for Good Is technology good or bad? We vote that it is neither. Yet, how we treat technology and what we do with it can be good or bad. Read here about Digital Citizenship and how to use technology for good. Just as good citizenship is more than not breaking the law, digital citizenship is more…
Read MoreStudents praising students on Instagram and Facebook
Every student has a chance to make a difference digitally (meaning on instagram, facebook, etc.). This can be through simple, kind comments on someone’s post or through more elaborate projects to make the internet more positive. Kids have an innate desire to help and uplift others. Yesterday, I was raking the leaves in my front yard…
Read MoreA digital adventure with a curious 10-year-old
At EPIK Deliberate Digital, we look for opportunities to spotlight people who are deliberately involving youth in creating a culture that fosters positive digital citizenship. We were thrilled to interview Marialice B.F.X. Curran, Ph.D., founder and CEO of Digital Citizenship Institute, about her son, Curran, and about a new organization called DigCitKids. Watch for a guest…
Read MoreWhy I’m thrilled I talked to my kids about technology
Technology can be so helpful and convenient in the fast pace world we live in. As a part-time working adult and parent, I appreciate the opportunity technology gives me to quickly respond to an email while waiting for the doctor, or the opportunity it gives me to send a quick text to finalize the last…
Read MoreHelping youth be "Light, Bright, and Polite" online
Josh Ochs helps middle and high school students with a simple, three-word checklist for social media. He invites them to be “Light” (not heavy, positive), “Bright” (articulate, smart, shows thinking before hitting ‘send,’ something you can be proud of and comfortable with, classy), and “Polite.” This video presentation is a great training given to middle…
Read MoreFREE Utah County Hackathon December 12
One of the ways kids can be digital citizens is to have specific training and skills in digital tools and processes. Hackathons provide a good opportunity for kids to be exposed to some of the digital skill sets of the 21st century. EPIK is helping the Utah County 4-H STEM Hackathon, which will be…
Read MoreTechnology is a magnifier
We love to share insights from collaborative partners who are passionate about kids and technology. In an EPIK community meeting about digital citizenship, Shannon Babb from Utah County 4H STEM said something simple and profound — a concept that, in paraphrased form, we repeat often. Technology is a magnifier. It’s true. Bad stuff exists in our world, and where…
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