A digital adventure with a curious 10-year-old

At EPIK Deliberate Digital, we look for opportunities to spotlight people who are deliberately involving youth in creating a culture that fosters positive digital citizenship. We were thrilled to interview Marialice B.F.X. Curran, Ph.D., founder and CEO of Digital Citizenship Institute, about her son, Curran, and about a new organization called DigCitKids. Watch for a guest…

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Pieces of the #EdTech (or #TechEd) puzzle

We recently signed up to be part of the ISTE community, and as part of our membership, we receive entrsekt, a journal about “Where learning, technology and community meet.” In the January 2016 issue of entrsekt, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts; the combination of article topics shows how leveraging the…

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