How to Prevent Cyberbullying

we are more alike than different cyberbullying

What are some of the main effects of cyberbullying? Many adults and kids alike are wondering how to stop and prevent cyberbullying. Bullying has always been an issue, but the internet and digital technologies have made it easier for kids to be unkind to each other, and for that unkindness to spread and be shared. Cyberbullying…

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Learning Together: DigCitKids & Cyber Seniors

We at @DigCitUtah LOVE seeing kids learning and acting positively with technology. Proudly, we share this blog post from the 10-year old changemaker and creator of DigCitKids, Curran Dee. He shares with us a concrete example of how to connect with the seniors in your life. Plus, we see how fun it is to introduce technology to…

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