“Digital literacy … means having the knowledge and ability to use a range of technology tools for varied purposes. A digitally literate person can use technology strategically to find and evaluate information, connect and collaborate with others [in age-appropriate ways], produce and share original content, and use the Internet and technology tools to achieve many academic, professional, and personal goals.” NYC Department of Education

Digital literacy can also include fluency in computer/coding languages.




Three web search lessons.



Digital Literacy and Citizenship Classroom Curriculum.



Over 100 technology-driven, project-based learning units that challenge student teams to create short digital stories around curricula in STEAM, LA, and History. Meridian Stories units provide students with the chance to expand their digital literacy skills to tell substantive narratives using text, imagery, sound and music. And, of course, it's about engagement and fun, creativity and collaboration, critical thinking and storytelling. *nominal fee



The Digital Literacy Curriculum is for anyone with basic reading skills who wants to learn the fundamentals of computer technology. “The goal of Microsoft Digital Literacy is to teach and assess basic computer concepts and skills so that people can use computer technology in everyday life to develop new social and economic opportunities for themselves, their families, and their communities.”



"Regardless of the education model you’re using – public or private, district or charter, onsite or at home – there simply aren’t many courses designed to teach youth about computer programming, mobile games, 3D graphics, digital arts, animation, entrepreneurship, and more!" My Tech High offers both full-year curricula and individual courses to build digital skills.



Lesson Plans about a few types of media: cellphones, blogging, and social networking. (*If you are interested in participating in a "try and review" test of this program, you can receive a free parent meeting from NetSmartz for participating.)


Alliance for Excellent Education – one hour and twenty minute video from 4th Annual Digital Learning Day Conference. Twitter stream from conference:

“This is a quick introduction to the dynamic framework, TPACK (Mishra & Koehler, 2006).For more information.”

Video explains what digital literacy is and why it is so important. “Digital Literacy…it’s an expected and often required part of a being a productive and responsible citizen.”

Interactive Games



“Gamestar Mechanic uses fun, game-based quests and courses to help you learn game design and make your own video games!”

Student Projects

“For over ten years, the Indianapolis nonprofit Net Literacy has been run by teenagers.”

In-person classes for students. Eric Sheninger explains, “In Computer Programming, students work with Zaniac instructors to solve computing problems and learn real-world skills that software developers use every day. Go from true beginner to writing custom games in Python, all while having a blast along the way.” Informative article on the need for digital literacy including ideas for student projects.

Educator Training

CE Credit:


“This training will introduce you to the K-12 Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum, scope and sequence, and walk you through sample lesson plans.”

CE Credit:


A one-hour online educator training covering Digital Literacy & Ethics, Inappropriate Content, Online Sexual Solicitation, Online Privacy, Sexting, Cyberbullying.


CE Credit:


“This course will provide an introduction to the foundational concepts of digital literacy and citizenship, including online safety, critical consumption of online information, and ethical participation in the digital world. Learners will develop grade-level appropriate methods of introducing these topics with their students.”

Helpful Resources & Tips

“Discover information and findings on the phenomenon of social networking and how to use social networking sites and social media sites creatively and safely. This section provides tips for evaluating these online resources, helpful advice and ideas for promoting safe social networking and shares examples of how social networks can and are being used in schools, at home, and on mobiles worldwide to support informal and formal learning.”

“The Internet provides access to many free software, sounds, graphics, music and other resources.” This is a list of some of the resources Ohler thinks are beneficial. (These resources could also be shared as part of a class on copyright and what material is okay to use in creative or educational works.)

Great list of 20 top tips for students.

“Provides ideas and resources to inspire the strategic development of digital literacies - those capabilities which support living, learning and working in a digital society”

Information about Gaming.
“In the parents’ sessions we run in schools, we get a lot of questions about particular devices that children are using or asking for. This guide has been created to answer these questions and introduce some of the most popular devices, highlighting the safety tools available and empowering parents with the knowledge they need to support their children to use these technologies safely and responsibly.”